27th May 2002
Life, from lifelessness. Let's put it this way. If we were to exist in a world, spend our lives being mouth fed generilized slogans of misguided and senseless drivel, which is thus spawned from the pools of insanity, ie, such distinct, and slanderous comments of, all women are bad drivers, or, all men scratch their arse. This is the place where the senseless, and over looked, is looked into. The little stitch within our minds which wears away loose. ShadowFlare is here for one purpose. Madness.
Yes, we're back, our technical glitch which screwed with the system for months has passed, a new website device was being implemented so construction woudl be easier, little did our website host know it completely haulted the progress of ShadowFlare Advanced. Not that we haven't been busy.
Some things have been removed due to time and effort, and new subjects will be covered, updates to all our old features, and coming soon, features on 10 movies and games, which I hope you all enjoy. ColdBain would like to thank the Frustrated Artist Commune, helping to advertise ShadowFlare. If you unaware as to what or who are apart of this collective, visit their website by clicking on the random picture of ColdBain next this message. Join, and recognize.